Preparing to Meditate

Beginners: Do whatever is comfortable below.

Starting a meditation

  1. Posture (learn more)

    • Any balanced posture, ideally cross-legged

    • Keep the spine straight

    • Shoulders relaxed, head balanced

  2. Breathe evenly and deeply (learn more):

    • Breathe in 9 counts

    • hold one count

    • Breathe out 9 counts

    • hold one count

  3. Move your awareness inside yourself (learn more)

Ending a meditation

  1. Ending in reverse steps to starting

  2. Bring back awareness to the body

    • Feel the heat in the body

    • Relax the muscles

  3. Aim to Keep breathing evenly and deeply for the rest of the day (reduce the counts as needed)

  4. Wriggle your toes, move your fingers and slowly bring back movement to the body. Exit posture.