A Red Bubble

  • Disengage from draining situations
  • Energise
  1. This is a visualisation exercise (learn about visualisation).

  2. Sit in a comfortable posture with your spine straight (learn about posture for meditation)

  3. Breathe deeply (learn deep breathing)

  4. Set your intention to experience the energy of colour and light.

  5. Each colour has its own energy and impact on your well being and state of mind. In this practice, we choose the colour red.

  6. In the first part, you bring to mind, the colour red. It is important to choose bright and vibrant shades of the colour. We have chosen hues found in nature in poppy, rose and hibiscus.

  7. Reflect on the essence of this colour. Feel its energy.

  8. You can play with colour in your mind. Add white light to create clearer shades. Add bright yellow to make more orange. Or pink to obtain more rose.

  9. In the second part, the objective is to visualise a bubble made of light energy around you.

  10. Draw the bubble in three dimensions

    • physically draw the edges of the bubble with your hands

    • The radius of the bubble reaches to your hands

    • lift your arms to draw the bubble vertically

    • hold forward your arms and pull back to draw the bubble horizontally

    • draw it behind you as much as possible

    • visualise it in 3 dimensions.

  11. Visualise a membrane of bright white light as the edge of the bubble. The energy of other people and the rest of the world is outside

  12. Visualise light energy flowing from your spine outwards to fill up the bubble. In this practice, we use red light to fill the bubble.

  13. Steps 1 to 12 create and fill the bubble and take a little time.

  14. You can replenish it through the day with a quick visualisation